Spaces & Places

What makes a place? Inspired by the stories of UTSC community members, the Spaces & Places guided walking tour asks us to reconsider what our favourite spaces on and around the UTSC campus truly represent.

“We make the space; you make the place.”

John Andrews (1933-2022)
Architect of the Andrews Building, Scarborough College

Our Campus, Our Stories

Over the years, the UTSC campus has played many roles in many stories. While in some, it serves as a silent background, quietly setting the tone for all that might unfold, in others, it acts as a main character, shaping the actions of everyone involved. These stories range from positive to negative, happy to sad, and big to small; ultimately, what brings them together is the importance that they confer on the campus as a physical space. Our campus, that is, is made important by the many meanings we give it. 

The Spaces & Places tour is designed to highlight some of these meanings and emphasize the social aspect of our collective history. What, we ask, happened here? 

How it Works

We’ve placed Spaces & Places signs in some of the most iconic spots on and around campus. If you see one of these signs, scan the QR code on it with any compatible device to access a curated selection of stories that happened at that very spot, told by members of the UTSC community themselves. Collectively, these signs can be followed in the form of a guided walking tour across and around the entire campus. 

You can also access these stories by clicking the location buttons on the menu below to experience our history from the comfort of your home. 

Where to?

Interested in hearing more stories from the community?