While present UTSC students look forward to cross-country skiing or winter hikes in the valley, former students of the ‘60s and ‘70s turned to the cafeteria for some outdoor winter fun. Yes, you read that correctly – students piled into the campus cafeteria in anticipation of heading outside. Upon finishing their meals, many students would covertly (particularly male students) transport their empty trays to the Humanities Wing patio; these trays proved versatile. Undergraduates hopped on their tray and slid down the slope towards the valley at lightning speed! Swooooosssh! The exhilaration was evidently worth the snowy pants and minor injuries (see below photograph). Yet, cafeteria staff likely thought it odd that they had to order so many extra meal trays to see the winter semester through. Where were all the trays disappearing to?
Ainsworth, Amelia, Edward Dunsworth, and Nancy Lee. 2019. “Interview with Shirley Criscione.” Oral history conducted by Amelia Ainsworth, Edward Dunsworth, and Nancy Lee, Scarborough Oral History Project, University of Toronto Scarborough. https://ark.digital.utsc.utoronto.ca/ark:/61220/utsc10679.
Ainsworth, Amelia, Edward Dunsworth, and Azreen F. Sikder. 2019. “Interview with Elliott Schwartz.” Oral history conducted by Amelia Ainsworth, Edward Dunsworth, and Azreen F. Sikder, Scarborough Oral History Project, University of Toronto Scarborough. https://ark.digital.utsc.utoronto.ca/ark:/61220/utsc10682.
Scarborough College. 1990. Spectrum (Campus newsletter). University of Toronto Scarborough Campus: January 1990 (Special 25th Anniversary Issue). Collection of newsletters held by History of UTSC Project. Also available at the University of Toronto Scarborough Library, Archives & Special Collections through the UTSC Archives Legacy Collection, File 002-B-12-9-12. https://discoverarchives.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/spectrum-volume-x.