Oral Histories

Often the story of an institution is told in an ostensibly objective manner, focusing on the achievement of organizational goals and milestones. However, we believe that subjective or lived experiences are equally important to the history of an institution, and so the collection and preservation of individual stories forms the heart of our project.  The oral history interviews presented here are but a few of the many stories of our campus.  These are the voices of various members of the UTSC community, including students, staff, faculty, alumni, and local residents. 

Over the years, we have collected over 100 hours of oral history interviews, which are digitally preserved, with transcripts and images, on the Scarborough Oral History Project website, administered by the Digital Scholarship Unit at the UTSC Library. On this site, we invite you to explore a selection of these interviews, many of which are also featured in other content on the site.