As a UTSC student (1980s) and later Chief Administrative Officer (1999-2012), Kim McLean reflects upon her position as a woman at a senior administrative level and the changes that she has seen take place on campus since the 1980s. In particular, she talks about the changing gender and racial diversity on campus and how diversity of the student body in the 1980s reflected that of the surrounding community as it does in 2015. She points to the beginning of her successful administrative career beginning with the UTSC undergraduate co-op placement opportunities in the UofT Planning and Budget Office downtown. Kim shares her experiences as a female member of the senior leadership team and talks about how important the onsite daycare provided by N’sheemaehn Child Care Centre was for her. She then goes on to talk about the various developments and important spaces she was involved in such as the Pan Am Centre and Student Centre.

Researchers: Sahra Togone, Tahera Sharif
Date: 2015