Browse Collections

The collections housed on this site include blogs, audiograms, and video shorts conceived and produced by members of our research team, as well as a selection of the oral history interviews that we have conducted over the years. These materials are searchable by format, theme, and tag, which can be filtered using the search tool in the left-hand sidebar below. 

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Oral History with Nasir Alhuttam

Nasir Alhuttam is a Scarborough local who has run a hot dog stand on the UTSC campus since 2006. In this interview, he shares his experience immigrating to Scarborough, Ontario from Yemen and his motivations behind opening a food stand at UTSC. He discusses how his stand has grown alongside the campus, and describes the […]

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March 3, 2024

Everybody’s Hot Dog Stand

Nasir Alhuttam, a Scarborough local who has run a hot dog stand on the UTSC campus since 2006, here speaks about his motivations for running the stand and reflects on his campus experience thus far.

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Oral History with Chris Ambidge

Chris Ambidge is a member of the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry at the St. George campus of the University of Toronto. In this oral history, he discusses his experience immigrating to Scarborough, Ontario from the UK with his family in the 1960s and his educational journey, having attended Scarborough College for undergrad […]

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March 1, 2024

“You Must Remember 712055719”

Chris Ambidge, a Scarborough College alum and current member of the Department Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry at the university’s St. George campus, here speaks about his experience at the College in the institution’s early years, including the original layout of the campus and the course enrolment process.

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The N’sheemaehn Child Care Centre

Kim McLean, a UTSC alum who served as the university’s Chief Administrative Officer from 1999-2012, here discusses the N’sheemaehn Child Care Centre, which is located right on campus, and explains how big of a support the Centre was for her as a young working mother.

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January 20, 2024

Oral History with Michelle Stinson

Michelle Stinson speaks about the impact the Women’s and Gender Studies program had on her as a student and as a community member of Scarborough. A strong supporter of Women’s and Gender Studies, she shares her sense of how the programme is undervalued by the institution. Michelle talks about the diversity in the campus and […]

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January 19, 2024

The Little Things

Michelle Stinson, a graduate of the Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS) and Sociology programs at UTSC, explains her view of the treatment of the WGS program within the larger academic structure of the university, including the prioritization of the hard sciences over other fields of study.

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UTSC on Film

What do Dennis Villeneuve’s Enemy (2013), Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water (2017), Kristoffer Borgli’s Dream Scenario (2023), and The Weeknd’s music video for “Secrets” (2017) all have in common? They were all shot, at least partially, at UTSC! Believe it or not, our campus has become a favourite of both niche and blockbuster […]

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Oral History with Audrey Glasbergen

Audrey Glasbergen speaks about her experience working as a receptionist and later an Administrative Assistant in multiple departments at UTSC since 1980. She reflects on her over 35 years of service and the changes that she has witnessed, such as a shifting social environment as a result of growing student and faculty numbers, the expansion […]

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Making the Most out of UTSC

Audrey Glasbergen, a Scarborough local who has worked in administration at UTSC for several years, here recalls the various extracurricular activities available on campus for students, staff, and faculty in the university’s early years.

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